Crêpes {gluten-free}

Crêpes {gluten-free}

These gluten-free light buckwheat crêpes are fun to make and can be enjoyed any time of day.  If you do not need to eat gluten-free, regular wheat flour can be substituted for the light buckwheat flour. Crêpes can be filled with a variety of tasty ingredients for a savory main meal or a sweet dessert.

gluten free crepe recipe buckwheat
crepe cooked
gluten free crepe recipe

We find inspiration for what to put in our crêpes at home by visiting crêperies. Here are some that we love…  Just click on their menus for fun inspiration, from kid-friendly pb&j, to traditional ham and cheese, to unique goat cheese and dates, to decadent ice cream and chocolate sauce…

Clifton Cafe

Fontaine Bistro

The Skinny Pancake

It was at The Skinny Pancake that we first learned of light buckwheat flour.  This amazing gluten-free flour is super healthy, and makes the crêpes look like they are made from white wheat flour. Light buckwheat has a mild, sweet flavor (not at all like the strong flavor of regular buckwheat).  We get our light buckwheat flour directly from Bouchard Family Farms (there is a significant discount for ordering in bulk).  If you just want to try one bag, it can also be ordered through Amazon.

 Crêpes can be made at home using a regular non-stick frying pan.  We love Greenlife pans.  You can also opt for a special crêpe pan with lower sides.  Another fun option is an electric crêpe pan that can be dipped into batter (I used to use this in the classroom setting for many years.  It works well and makes a very thin crepe.)


Let’s make crêpes!

Gather your ingredients:

6 eggs

3 cups milk of your choice

3/4 cups water

2 cups light buckwheat flour (or wheat flour for non-gluten-free option)

1/2 cup melted butter

(This recipe makes about 18 crêpes.)



Gather your kitchen supplies:

  • large mixing bowl
  • 1 cup dry measuring cup
  • 4 cup liquid measuring cup
  • whisk
  • frying pan or crêpe pan
  • ladle
  • spatuala




Measure, mix, pour, flip…


Step 1

Crack 6 eggs into large mixing bowl.


Step 2

Whisk eggs well.


Step 3

Measure 3 cups milk into large liquid measuring cup.

Step 4

Add 3/4 cup water to the milk.

Step 5

Pour milk and water into the whisked eggs.  Whisk again.

buckwheat crepe

Step 6

Measure 2 cups light buckwheat flour.

buckwheat crepe

Step 7

Gently pour flour into the milk and egg mixture.

Step 8

Whisk the flour into the egg and milk mixture.  Whisk well until there are no clumps of flour.

Step 9

Melt a stick of butter (1/2 cup) in a frying pan over medium heat. (Be sure to turn off the burner once the butter is melted.)

crepe batter recipe

Step 10

Pour the melted butter into the batter.

crepe batter

Step 11

Whisk the batter well.

Step 12

Heat frying pan (or crepe pan) over medium heat.  (If needed, add more butter, but the coating from the melted butter should be enough.)

crepe batter pour

Step 13

Lift the pan above the burner. Pour a ladel full of batter into the pan.  Swirl the pan so that the batter fills a complete circle. Place the pan back on the burner.


Step 14

Let the crêpe cook over medium heat for a few minutes, until it looks mostly cooked.

crepe flip

Step 15

Flip the crêpe, using a spatula.  (Or by flipping in the air!)

crepe cooked

Step 16

Let the crêpe cook for a short time on the second side.  (It will not need to cook very long, as it has mostly been cooked on the first side.)

light buckwheat crepe

Step 17

Slide the crêpes off the pan and onto a plate as they finish cooking.  Then fill them with ingredients of your choice.

Bon Appétit!

Read below for more fun with crêpes…

Did you know that on February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, people in France love to get together with friends and family to make crêpes?  The French call this special day La Chandeleur.  With its round shape and golden color, the crêpe is said to symbolize the sunshine… and reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world.

A Fun French song for la Chandeleur

On fait des crêpes à la Chandeleur
Moi, je les aime au sucre et au beurre
On fait des crêpes à la Chandeleur
Quand on fait des crêpes, c’est un bonheur

This can be traslated to:

We make crêpes for la Chandeleur

Me, I love them with sugar and butter

We make crêpes for la Chandeleur

When we make crêpes, it’s a joy

A Cute Video in French – Petit Ours Brun (a sweet French cartoon character) makes crêpes with his papa.  They encounter some difficulties at first, but with practice, they make many wonderful crêpes.  Don’t lose heart if it is hard to make a crêpe on your first try!  

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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.

Beautiful Sunday Waffles {gluten-free, high protein, low-carb}

Beautiful Sunday Waffles {gluten-free, high protein, low-carb}

When we first started making these waffles, we named them “beautiful Sunday waffles” because the whole family loved them… and they were so delicioulsy filling that no one complained of being hungry all through Sunday Mass.  We were even able to come home after Mass and not feel rushed to get lunch on the table.  Hooray!

Only 3 simple ingredients are needed for these protein-packed waffles:

  • natural salted peanut butter
  • eggs
  • vanilla extract


Of course these waffles can be made any day of the week!  We find they are great on school days too.  I like to make a large batch on the weekends, and reheat them in the microwave for quick and nourishing weekday breakfasts.  Waffles can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days on a plate, covered in plastic wrap.  Waffles can also be placed in a Ziplock bag and kept in the freezer for a number of weeks.  We use 15 eggs in this recipe simply because that is the largest quantity our blender can hold.  However, the recipe could be scaled down to use 10 eggs and 1 cup of peanut butter, or 5 eggs and 1/2 cup of peanut butter.

We use peanut butter in our waffles, but salted almond butter can also work.  Be sure that the nut butter you use is natural and very drippy.  Our favorite drippy natural peanut butter is Welsley Farms Organic Peanut Butter from BJ’s.  We have not tried sunbutter, but we would love to hear in the comments below if that is something that works for those with nut allergies.

Because these waffles are naturally full of protein and low-carb, they can be topped to your delight with toppings you love!  Yogurt and berries?  Maple syrup or honey?  Whipped cream, chocolate and bananas?  What toppings do you love?  Our children love to have waffle decorating contests… stay tuned… we might just have a Sparkles and Sprinkles waffle decorating contest in the coming months!

We typically use a Belgian waffle maker or our Cuisinart griddle fitted with waffle irons.  However, we recently tried out a little waffle maker by Dash.  Our daughters think it is just too cute!  It also comes in a fun variety of colors.  If you like thinner, smaller waffles, the little Dash waffle maker is great.  A little warning if children are helping in the kitchen, though:  the handle is very small and can get hot, so use a hot pad when lifting the handle.  We also found it was helpful to use silicone tongs to remove the waffles from the maker.  If you are making waffles for a crowd, you may want to have a few of these small waffle makers to make more than one waffle at a time.

While most of our recipes on Sparkles and Sprinkles are great for children to help in the kitchen, this waffle recipe is probably best for adults and older children (due to the many eggs to crack and the hot waffle iron).  If your little ones need a fun activity for while you are making this delicious breakfast, we recommend the Learning Rescources Waffle Time play kitchen set.  Our children continue to play with this delightful set year after year.

One final note before we get started.  Though it may not be necessary, we usually butter our waffle iron before pouring the batter.  However, if the waffles do happen to stick, we find that the handle of silicone spoon can help to remove any stuck bits of waffle.  

Let’s make waffles!

Gather your ingredients:

15 eggs

1 1/2 cups natural salted creamy peanut butter (if your nut butter is unsalted, add a dash or salt to your batter)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Butter (optional – to grease the waffle iron if needed)


Gather your kitchen supplies:

Waffle maker


Silicone spatula

1 cup measuring cup

1/2 cup measuring cup

1 teaspoon

large (4 cup) glass liquid measuring cup

plates (for finished waffles and for serving)

forks (for removing waffles from the maker, and for serving)

silicone baby spoon (optional – helpful for removing any bits of waffle that might stick to the waffle maker)

silicone tongs (optional – for removing waffles from the maker without the risk of scratching the maker)

Measure, blend, cook, and enjoy!

Step 1

Crack 15 eggs into a large glass liquid measuring cup.

Step 2

Carefully pour the eggs into the blender.  (Hold the blender jar at an angle over the sink while pouring in the eggs from the measuring cup to reduce the risk of spilling the eggs.  Then place the blender jar on the blender.)

Step 3

Measure 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Step 4

Pour vanilla extract into the blender jar.

Step 5

Measure 1 1/2 cups peanut butter.

Step 6

Add the peanut butter to the blender jar.

Step 7

Place cover on the blender.

Step 8

Plug in the blender.  (Wait until the cover is on to plug in the blender, to avoid any accidents.)

Step 9

Blend until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Step 10

Butter the pre-heated waffle iron. (Be sure to use a long stick of butter so that your hands do not get too close to the heat.)

Step 11

Pour the batter into pre-heated waffle iron.  Be careful not to overfill the waffle space.

Step 12

Use a silicone spatula to spread the batter evenly.  Add more batter if needed.

Step 13

Close the waffle iron.  Let the waffles cook, according to your waffle iron instructions.  We find about 4 minutes works for our Belgian waffles.

Step 14

Open the waffle iron.  Waffles are cooked when lightly golden brown.

Step 15

Remove the waffles from waffle iron.  Use a fork (without touching the waffle iron) or silicone tongs.

Step 16

Place waffles on a plate.  Repeat waffle cooking steps until all batter is used.



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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.

Dreamy Chocolate Ice Cream {vegan, low-carb, delicious!}

Dreamy Chocolate Ice Cream {vegan, low-carb, delicious!}

The ingredients might surprise you in this super creamy chocolate ice cream!  This ice cream looks and tastes like your favorite decadent chocolate ice cream, but it is actually vegan, low-carb, and packed full of protein.  If you think “vegan” and “ice cream” can’t be one in the same, don’t run away.  Give this recipe a try.  We think you will be glad you did!  With only 4 ingredients, it’s so easy to make.  Enjoy!

New to making ice cream at home?  We love our Cuisinart ice cream maker, but you can use any ice cream maker of your choice.  The Cuisinart ice cream maker comes in a fun variety of colors to suit your kitchen decor, and has optional additional freezer bowls so that you can make multiple batches of ice cream the same day.  Another great ice cream maker option, if you don’t want to add additional appliances to your kitchen is the ice cream maker attachement for your KitchenAid mixer.  Though we have not tried this one, we think it sounds like a great idea!

cuisinart ice cream maker

We use a blender to mix our ingredients.   If you are looking for a great, dishwasher safe blender, we recommend the Oster dishwasher safe blender.  We went for many years without a blender, just because I never liked cleaning the blade and jar by hand.  I’m so glad Oster has a blender that is dishwasher safe.  It makes clean up so easy!

Oster blender dishwasher safe

Note:  It is possible to whisk the ingredients together in a bowl if you do not have a blender (we used to to this), but a blender does the job so much faster.  If you do whisk your ingredients in a bowl, be sure to use a very drippy creamy peanut butter.  Also, mix all of the ingredients with only a small amount of milk at first, then add more milk as the peanut butter begins to incorporate into the milk.

Be sure to use a protein powder you like, as this will impact the taste of the ice cream.  The sweetness in this ice cream comes from the protein powder, so if your protein powder is not sweetened, you will need to sweeten it to your liking.  Keep in mind you can taste the “ice cream” before you put it in the ice cream maker and make any flavor adjustments before you start to freeze the ice cream.  The Orgain Protein Powder we use is sweetened with stevia.  It works well to use chocolate or vanilla flavor protein powder for this recipe.

orgain protein powder

This ice cream is easiest to serve right when it is done being churned.  If you would like it to be a little more firm, you can place it in the freezer for a short time before serving.  If you make the ice cream to serve for another time, or if you have leftovers, keep in mind this ice cream will have to sit on the counter for at least 30 minutes to soften.  We like to store our ice cream in a protein shaker or a Pyrex glass container.  This 28 oz. Contigo protein shaker fits the whole batch of ice cream.  We like the protein shaker because the plastic is thick and will not crack in the freezer (we do not recommend disposable plastic containers, as they tend to crack when frozen).  Storing ice cream in a Pyrex dish with a cover can also be a great idea – this way, you can microwave the bowl for a few seconds if you don’t want the wait time to let your ice cream soften.

Ready to make ice cream?

Gather your kitchen supplies:

  • Ice cream maker
  • Blender (optional, but very helpful)
  • 1 cup measuring cup
  • 1/4 cup measuring cup
  • liquid measuring cup (if not using the blender to measure the milk)
  • Large plate
  • Container for finished ice cream (if not serving right away)
  • Spoons 
  • bowls for serving
  • Spatula for scraping bowl if needed



ice cream making supplies

Gather your ingredients:

  • about 2.5 cups unsweetened almond milk, vanilla or plain (you can use  as little as 2 cups or as much as 3 cups, depending on the consistency you like for your ice cream)
  • 2 scoops (46 g) Orgain Chocolate or Vanilla protein powder (or your favorite sweetened protein powder)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 cup creamy natural peanut butter (our favorite is Organic Cream Peanut Butter from BJ’s Wellsley Farms, but any very creamy, drippy, natural peanut butter will work)
vegan ice cream peanut butter, almond milk, protein powder, cocoa

Let’s Make Ice Cream!

Step 1

Pour 2.5 cups of unsweetened almond milk into your blender.

Step 2

Add 2 scoops (46 g) protein powder into the blender.

Step 3

Add 1/4 cup cocoa powder into the blender.

Step 4

Measure 1 cup creamy natural peanut butter, and add into the blender.

vegan chocolate ice cream blend

Step 5

Blend until smooth.

Step 6

Turn on your ice cream maker and pour in the mixture.  Let the mixture churn for about 20 minutes.

low-carb high protein ice cream vegan peanut butter

Step 7

Ice cream is ready when it looks creamy and firm.  You may need to stir the ice cream once in a while as it churns to keep it moving. 

Step 8

Remove the ice cream from the ice cream maker and place it on a large plate. 

chocolate peanut butter ice cream low-carb

Step 9

Scoop the ice cream into bowls to serve immediately, or scoop the ice cream into a storage container to serve later.

chocolate peanut butter low-carb ice cream recipe

And of course... you can always add sprinkles!

This ice cream has no refined sugar and is packed full of protein, so when the question is, “Mom, may we have more ice cream?” the answer can be “Yes!”

P.S.  Looking for low sugar sprinkles?  Find our suggestion from our cut-out cookie recipe.


If you would like more healthy and kid-friendly gluten free recipes, consider subscribing to  We will send you emails when we post new recipes and craft ideas.  It’s totally free!  Just enter your email below.  Welcome to Sparkles and Sprinkles!

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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.

Healthy Gluten-free Cupcakes!

Healthy Gluten-free Cupcakes!

Enjoy these delicious and nourishing cupcakes for your next celebration!  With the 4th of July around the corner, we decorated the cupcakes with a 4th of July theme, but you could decorate them in any way you like for a birthday party too!  They are delicious enough for a party, and nourishing enough for breakfast.  Adding blueberries or chocolate chips to the batter makes them perfect for breakfast muffins!

gluten free cupcake birthday party
gluten-free blueberry muffin

You can find our “America the Beautiful” 4th of July cupcake toppers in our Etsy shop.  One side has lyrics from “America the Beautiful,” and the other side has images to illustrate the lyrics.  It’s an instant download, and they can be easily printed and made, using just white cardstock, scissors, glue, and toothpicks.  The cupcake toppers come in the 4th of July party bundle, including a coordinating garland and games.  It’s a fun project for family and friends!

4th of july cupcakes

Find our cupcake toppers on Etsy!

Two kitchen items we love for making it easier to make cupcakes and muffins are the Greenlife Bakeware muffin pan and silicone baby spoons.

The Greenlife muffin pan is a healthy ceramic nonstick pan that is so easy to clean!  (We often butter the pan, to be on the safe side, but it is probably not necessary.) 

In order to avoid scratching the pan, we like to use silicone baby spoons to easily remove the cupcakes once they are done baking.

Light Buckwheat Flour

One key ingredient in this recipe is light buckwheat flour.  This is an amazing gluten-free flour that, when used in combination with almond flour, makes deliciously moist baked goods.  Sadly, it does not seem to be sold in many stores.  However, you can find it online.  We recommend buying it directly through Bouchard Family Farms, as they give significant discounts for buying multiple bags (as low as $8.50 per bag as of the writing of this post).  If you just want to try one bag, it can also be found on Amazon.  We have many recipes on that call for light buckwheat flour… so you can find many ways to use it!  Try our gluten-free pizza, gluten-free cut-out cookies, gluten-free microwave mug muffins… and more to come!

Ready to make cupcakes?

This recipe makes about 18 small cupcakes (with batter filling the muffin openings about 2/3 full). 

The recipe is gluten-free.  This recipe is low-carb and does not use refined sugar.  If you are making these for a crowd used to a lot of sugar, we recommend using 4 Tbsp. maple syrup, or if you are trying to make the cupcakes as low-carb as possible, opt for only 2 Tbsp. maple syrup. 

If you need a dairy-free recipe, simply use suggested dairy-free substitutions. 

Allow the oven to preheat to 350 degrees F while preparing the batter.

cupcake ingredients

Gather your ingredients:

1 cup light buckwheat flour

1 cup almond flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

2 cups Greek yogurt (OR dairy-free substitute)

2 tsp. vanilla extract

2 to 4 Tbsp. maple syrup or honey (or 4 packets SweetLeaf)

4 eggs

1 stick butter, melted; OR 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted

1/4 cup almond milk

Optional:  Toppings or additional ingredients of your choice – see below for some ideas


kitchen supplies

Gather your kitchen supplies:

Large mixing bowl

Measuring cups (2 cup liquid measuring cup, 1 cup, 1/4 cup)

Measuring spoons (1 Tbsp., 1 tsp.)

Mixing spoons

Muffin tray

Ice cream scooper

Silicone spoon

Spatula (not pictured) – to scrape the bowl

Fork (not pictured) – to whisk the eggs

Microwave safe bowl or mug (not pictured) – to melt butter


Let’s Make Cupcakes!

Step 1

Measure 1 cup light buckwheat flour.


Step 2

Pour 1 cup light buckwheat flour into the mixing bowl.

Step 3

Measure 1 cup almond flour.

step 4

Pour 1 cup almond flour into the mixing bowl.

Step 5

Measure 2 tsp. baking powder.

Step 6

Add 2 tsp. baking powder into the mixing bowl.

Step 7

Measure 1 tsp. baking soda.

Step 8

Add 1 tsp. baking soda into the mixing bowl.

Step 9

Stir together the dry ingredients until well mixed.

Step 10

Measure 2 cups Greek yogurt.

Step 11

Scoop yogurt into the mixing bowl.

Step 12

Measure 2 tsp. vanilla extract AND add it to the mixing bowl.

Step 13

Measure 2 to 4 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup AND add it to the mixing bowl.  Or use 4 packets SweetLeaf.

Step 14

Crack 4 eggs into a mug or liquid measuring cup.

Step 15

Wisk the eggs with a fork.

Step 16

Pour the eggs into the mixing bowl.

Step 17

Stir until the batter is well combined.

Step 18

Place 1 stick of butter in a microwave safe bowl.

Step 19

Microwave about 30 seconds, or until the butter is melted.

Step 20

Pour the butter into the mixing bowl.

Step 21

Measure 1/4 cup almond milk.

Step 22

Pour the almond milk into the mixing bowl.

Step 23

Stir until well combined.

Step 24

Butter the muffin pan.

Step 25

Use an ice cream scooper to scoop the batter into the muffin pan.  Fill each opening with 1 scoop for small cupcakes (for a total of about 18 cupcakes).  If you would like larger cupcakes/muffins, add more batter to each opening (for a total of about 12 cupcakes).  We made 18 small cupcakes in the photos you see here.

Step 26 (optional)

Add chocolate chips or blueberries, etc. to make these cupcakes more like muffins.  We recommend placing a small amount of blueberries or chocolate chips on top of the batter in the muffin tin, then stirring gently with a silicone spoon.  This helps the extra ingredients to be evenly dispearsed, rather than sink to the bottom of the muffin/cupcake.

Step 27

Place the cupcakes in your oven, preheated to 350 degrees F.

Step 28

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.  Larger cupcakes/muffins may need longer baking times.  Bake until golden brown on top.  Check that a toothpick comes out clean to be sure they are well baked.

Step 29

Let the cupcakes cool in the pan for about 10 minutes.  Then use a silicone spoon to gently remove the cupcakes from the pan.  Place the cupcakes on a wire rack and allow to completely cool before decorating them.

One more yummy variation: Want to make chocolate cupcakes?

Simply stir in 5 Tbsp cocoa powder and an extra 2 Tbsp maple syrup to the batter.

gluten free cupcake birthday party

Decorate your cupcakes!

There are so many ways to decorate a cupcake!  We suggest topping them with freshly whipped cream (see our easy recipe below) or Cocowhip for a dairy-free option.  You could also use our butter-cream cheese frosting that we used in our cutout cookie recipe.  As these toppings need to be refrigerated, we recommend decorating the cupcakes shortly before serving them.  However, they can be decorated in advance and stored in the refrigerator.  Be sure to store any leftovers in the refrigerator as well.

Homemade Whipped Cream!

Store bought frosting and whipped cream tends to be very sweet, but you can easily make your own with less sugar!

Step 1

Gather your ingredients:  heavy cream (16 oz. container), sweetener (honey, maple syrup, or SweetLeaf), and vanilla extract (optional).

Step 2

Pour the heavy cream into the bowl of a stand mixer.

Step 3

Using the whisk attachment, starting on a low speed, and increasing the speed gradually, whisk the heavy cream until it starts to stiffen.

Step 4

When the cream is almost as stiff as you would like it to be, add some sweetener (about 1 Tbsp. maple syrup to your taste) and vanilla (about 1 tsp. – optional).

whipped cream low sugar

Step 5

Continue to whip the cream, along with the sweetener and vanilla, until it gets as thick as you would like it to be.  WARNING – Watch it carefully – it will turn to butter if it gets whipped too long.


We topped these cupcakes with whipped cream, then added blueberries and strawberries for a patriotic 4th of July theme.  If you would like these “America the Beautiful” cupcakes toppers, they can be found on Etsy.

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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.

Lemonade by the glass {easy, no refined sugar, low-carb}

Lemonade by the glass {easy, no refined sugar, low-carb}

Cheers to summer!  Are you ready to enjoy a fresh glass of lemonade with no worries about too much sugar?  Follow this simple recipe for a refreshing glass of lemonade any time!

lemonade supplies

Gather your kitchen supplies

Cutting board




8 oz (or larger) glass and (optional) a liquid measuring cup


Gather ingredients

1 fresh lemon (or about 3 T lemon juice)

1 individual packet of SweetLeaf (or a spoonful or honey if you prefer)

Cold water

Ice (optional)


Let’s make lemonade!


Step 1

Wash your lemon, then carefully slice it in half.


Step 2

Juice the lemon.


Step 3

Open SweetLeaf packet and pour it into the bottom of your glass.


Step 4

Pour the lemon juice into your glass.

Step 5

Add cold water to your glass (either measure about 1 cup, or fill your glass directly from your faucet).

Step 6

Stir well.  Add ice (optional).  Enjoy!

lemonade low carb

After you make one glass of lemonade, you can decide to use more or less lemon juice and more or less sweetener the next time you make it.  Simply adjust the quantities to your liking.

Some books to enjoy while you sip your lemonade…

lime tree

Lemon or lime?  Just for fun, a little story about our “lemon” tree.  This is a photo of the tree we bought last year that was labeled as a Meyer lemon tree.  We were so excited to have a lemon tree when we learned that in our climate (growing zone 7), it can thrive in a pot outside and just be brought inside for the coldest months of the year.  So far we have only had green “lemons” so we are wondering if perhaps we actually bought a mislabeled lime tree.  It is full of blossoms again this spring, so we’ll keep you posted if we can make lemonade sometime this year with some homegrown lemons.  That would be exciting!

Do you have a lemon or lime tree?  We would love to hear your advice on growing citrus trees in the comments below!  

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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.

Baking Contest!

Baking Contest!

Are you ready to create a delicious gluten-free mug cake?  Read below to find out how to enter our very first baking contest at Sparkles and Sprinkles (and find out about the fun prizes)!  Then spread the word to your friends and family so that they can enter the contest or vote for your recipe!

Mug Muffin Baking Contest Rules:

We will accept contest entries from April 28th through June 20, 2022.

You must be subscribed to in order to participate in the contest (this is so that we can update you with any contest information… for example, letting you know the details about voting and announcing the winners!).  If you are not already subscribed, you may use the link at the bottom of this page to subscribe.  Subscribing is free, and you can cancel at any time.

To make your mug muffin or mug cake for the contest, please do the following:

    • Use our basic mug muffin recipe as a base for your special recipe.
    • Add ingredients of your choice to make a unique and delicious mug muffin or mug cake (for example, cinnamon, berries, or chocolate chips… but don’t let our suggestions limit you!).
    • You may modify the quantities in our basic mug muffin recipe; however, the following ingredients need to be used as the base of your recipe: butter, almond flour, light buckwheat flour, baking powder, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and a sweetener of your choice. (If you do not have light buckwheat flour, you may try another flour, but some flours may not work well for this recipe – we have found light buckwheat is a key ingredient.)

Once you have created and tested your delicious recipe, fill out this form to tell us about your recipe.  You will need to know the quantities of special ingredients in your recipe.  You will also need to give any special instructions for making the recipe.  For example, let us know if you need to use less almond milk or yogurt because you added another moist ingredients like pumpkin or applesauce.  Also, let us know if you add your special ingredients into the batter or if they are used as a topping.

Before you fill out the form, be sure to have a photo (a JPG file) of your mug cake ready.  The photo must actually be of the mug cake you made (not a photo you find online of a mug cake).  The photo cannot show people.  We will post this photo with your recipe on our Website and voting platform.

You will need to give your recipe a unique name of your choosing (for example, “Dreamy Chocolate Mug Cake”).  We will use this name in connection with your recipe and mug cake photo on our Website and voting platform.

You will need to provide your first name on the form.  For privacy’s sake, you can choose to create a pen name instead of your real name.  The name you provide in the form will be used when we post your recipe on our site (we will not post email addresses or last names).  Including your age is optional.

Only one recipe entry per person will be accepted.  (We understand that if more than one person in a family is entering the contest, the email given on the form may be used more than once.)

By choosing to participate in the contest, you give permission to use your submitted photo and recipe on our Website, in email communication, and in our voting platform.  Sparkles and Sprinkles reserves the right to edit your recipe and/or ask you to make changes to your submission before posting your submission if we decide it is necessary.

Any questions regarding contest entries should be sent to this email:  Please put

“Contest question” and your name in the subject line of your email.


 We will accept contest entries from April 28th through June 20, 2022.

We will post contest entries in late June.

Voting will take place in at the beginning of July.  Once you submit your recipe, be sure to spread the word to your friends and family, so that they can vote!

Winners will be announced in mid July 2022.

The top three mug muffin recipes (based on votes from our readers) will be able to select a prize (see below).

As this is our first contest at Sparkles and Sprinkles, details of the contest are subject to change (though it is not our intention to make changes).

Ready to submit your recipe?  Click here to share your recipe and photo.



Our top three entries (based on votes) will get to select a prize of their choice from the following fun options:

$ 10 Amazon Gift Card

Spend it on baking supplies or whatever you like!

Sparkles and Sprinkles Tea Towel

Be the very first to have a Sparkles and Sprinkles Tea Towel, made just for us by Amanda Lawley Designs.

Sophie Mouse Books

Choose 2 Sophie Mouse books.  Sophie Mouse loves to bake too!  

Have fun baking!