Sparkles and Sprinkles

craft tutorials | learning ideas | gluten-free recipes


Sparkles and Sprinkles

craft tutorials | learning ideas | gluten-free recipes

Our Newest Posts

Helping Children to hear God’s Voice

Helping Children to hear God’s Voice

I had the blessing this January of reading Hearing God's Voice: A Catholic guide to listening prayer by Jonna Schuster.I'm a cradle Catholic with a deep love for the Lord and my faith. I love to pray, but still, this book was able to add clarity and depth to my prayer...

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A Year of Printable Garlands to grow in God’s love

A Year of Printable Garlands to grow in God’s love

Bring joy to your decor all throughout the year!Would you and your family like to have a bundle of sweet and simple crafts ready to make to celebrate all year long?In celebration of Sparkles and Sprinkles turning 3 this year, we put together a bundle of our holiday...

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Gluten-free Pizzelle Cookies

Gluten-free Pizzelle Cookies

I was so lucky that my dear college roommate often received big tins of freshly made pizzelle cookies from her grandma... and she shared them with me! These cookies, with a delightful shape, are light and crispy. I think they look a bit like snowflakes, so I...

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Felt Christmas Bear Ornament – Free Pattern!

Felt Christmas Bear Ornament – Free Pattern!

Looking for a sweet handmade Christmas gift idea? How about a darling handsewn Christmas bear ornament? This ornament was inspired by a handsewn bear ornament I received as a gift as a small child... it still hangs on our Christmas tree today (over 40 years later!)....

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DIY Essential Oil Candles… made easy!

DIY Essential Oil Candles… made easy!

Ready to learn how to make essential oil candles? We are so excited to share this fun activity with you!We did not actually set out to write a blog post on candle making. We were really just thinking that making candles would make a sweet Christmas gift for neighbors....

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Fairy Tale Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Fairy Tale Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Ready for a fun new treat this fall? How about a delicious and healthy pumpkin spice smoothie?A little background on our recipe... At the end of long day of driving on a road trip last summer, a Google search kindly came up with a healthier option when we searched for...

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Cookie Cutter Needle Felting – perfect beginner project

Cookie Cutter Needle Felting – perfect beginner project

Thinking about giving needle felting a try? Follow our simple video tutorial for a delightful project that is perfect for beginners!At Sparkles and Sprinkles, we love just about everything that might fit in the category of handcrafts. However, we had put needle...

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Stitching with Saints

Stitching with Saints

Discover some saints who loved to work with their hands and be inspired to make some new stitching projects of your own!

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Hello!  Welcome to Sparkles and Sprinkles!  We are a homeschooling family with 4 daughters who love to bake and craft together.  If we let them, they might just skip every other school subject and bake and craft all day! 

We create fun craft tutorials and share our favorite healthy recipes (that are also gluten-free and super yummy!) in a visual format, so that children can learn to bake. 

Our goal at is to share the joy we have in baking and crafting with you!  Enjoy!  

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