Sweet Sewing-themed Picture Books

Sweet Sewing-themed Picture Books

Looking for a sweet picture book to share with your little seamstress? We’ve gathered up a few favorites for you from brand-new to classic. Enjoy!

sewing themed picture books

I had a Favorite Dress by Boni Ashburn

I had a Favorite Dress follows the story of a little girl who outgrows her favorite dress. Her mom is always ready to transform the dress into something new with her creativity and sewing skills. This book is full of rhythm and rhyme and has adorable illustations. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to upcycle something in your closet after reading this book.

i had a favorite dress
sewing themed picture books

Sew Sister by Elise Matich

Did you know that space shuttles are covered in panels of special fireproof fabric? Sew Sister tells the story of Jean Wright and the NASA seamstresses who sewed blankets to cover space shuttles. We love how this story speaks to the unique and perhaps surprising ways that we may be called to use our God-given talents and interests. Sew Sister is told in rhyme with beautiful illustrations.

Sew sister NASA
sew sister nasa
sewing themed picture books

The Wordless Weaver by Claudia Cangilla McAdam

This touching book is an especially good read during the Lenten season. The Wordless Weaver imagines the story of a little girl who might have woven the burial cloth for Jesus. The tone is quite serious and sad… but a miracle comes at the end! My children love this story and ask to read it any time of year.

wordless weaver
sewing themed picture books

Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy by Don Freeman

As a girl who loved sewing from a very young age, these were some of my favorite books as a child. The Corduroy books tell the story of Lisa and her stuffed bear, Corduroy. Lisa is happy to use her sewing skills to repair Corduroy’s overalls and sew a pocket for him. Perhaps your child might be inspired to mend a toy too after reading these books.


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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.

Stitching with Saints

Stitching with Saints

Come learn about some holy women who loved to work with their hands, including Our Blessed Mother, Saint Zelie Martin, and Saint Rose of Lima. Then be inspired to try some stitching projects of your own. In this post we provide links to resources to learn about lace making and embroidery. We also have links for beautiful Catholic fabric to inspire your next sewing project. 

Note: We have a number of video links in this post, and we have noticed on some devices (with lazy load), the video link images do not appear. In this case, please click on the text link to go to the videos.

Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima is the patron saint of embroidery.

Embroidery can be a fun way to learn how to sew. A project we love that can also make a sweet gift is a hand emboidered flour sack towel. Simply sketch your design with pencil on a portion of the towel, attatch an emboidery hoop, and start stitching (the video below gives some great ideas for a variety of stitches).

Saint Zélie Martin

Saint Zélie Martin, the mother of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, was a talented lacemaker.

Lacemaking is not something we have tried at Sparkles and Sprinkles, but we think it sounds like a fun challenge. How about you? Do you want to give lacemaking a try? We have gathered together a few videos about lace making to help you get started. The first one is from Alençon, the town where Saint Zélie and her family lived. 

zelie martin lace

We found this picture of beautiful lace made by Saint Zélie in the book Thérèse and Lisieux by Pierre Descouvement.

Can’t see the image? Click here to see the beginning lace making video of lace from around the world.

Our Blessed Mother Mary

We can imagine Our Blessed Mother sewing for the Holy Family.

Making a baby Jesus doll or making clothes for a baby doll could be a beautiful way to think about Our Blessed Mother as you sew. For a little inspiration, we are posting a photo of a Waldorf-style baby Jesus doll we made a few years ago. Perhaps sometime we’ll make tutorial on how to make this sweet little doll.

jesus waldorf doll

Sewing Sisters

Many religious sisters spend time making beautiful vestments and church linens.

sister wilhelmina

You may have heard of Sister Wilhelmina, whose body was found to be incorrupt. She was the foundress of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. This religious order may be best known for their beautiful singing, but they also spend part of their days sewing vestments for the Church.


This video gives a glimpse into the daily life of the sisters of Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles (vestment making is mentioned around minute 3).

Are you inspired to make vestments? A fun way to start might be making miniature vestments, as used in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes. Here is a link for a pattern sold on Etsy.

Catholic Fabric We Love

A sweet friend introduced us to Spoonflower a few years ago. We had no idea that this delightful treasure of fabric with Catholic designs existed. We are so happy to share with you some of our favorite Catholic fabric designers on Spoonflower…

spoonflower catholic fabric

Littleliteraryclassics on Spoonflower has fabric to make simple pocket saint dolls. This is a darling little project for the beginning seamstress. They can be sewn by hand or by machine. In this photo, we used pinking shears to cut around the edge so that the fabric did not even have to be turned inside out for children making their very first (big) stitches.

marigold catholic goods co

Marigold Catholic Goods Co. has beautiful designs! If I could, I would buy them all. The color palette and designs bring such peace and joy. I think you will enjoy them too. We made a pennant banner for a garden party using the “Consider how the wildflowers grow” fabric from this designer. Definitely check out the other designs in this shop too! And if you are not up for a sewing project, but love the designs, you can find these beautiful designs on mugs, scarves, blankets and more in the Catholic All Year Marketplace.

spoonflower hail mary fabric

Our homeschool group sewing group used the “Hail Mary” fabric from The Little Rose Shop to make some doll pillows and blankets. The Little Rose Shop has so many other sweet designs as well!

marigold catholic goods co. pennant

“Sew” delightful… if you would like to make a pennant banner too, we recommend Leigh Ann Wilke’s tutorial . She figured out the math on how to make the best use of the fabric! So it’s a breeze to make it. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed reflecting on sewing with us.

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Other links may or may not be affiliate links.  We provide links because we have found these products or services beneficial, and we think you might too.