Water Princess Giving Well Activity
The book, The Water Princess, tells the story of the young Georgie Badiel spending entire days walking to get water for her family in Africa. Inspired by this story, we decided to make a paper well that can be used like a Lenten paper “rice bowl” to collect money for those in need.
Simply print the free printable on cardstock and read along to learn how to create the well. The French version of the well says, “Mon Puits pour la Vie” (my well for life – “puits” rhymes with “vie”). The English version says, “My Giving Well.” There is also a plain version (as requested by my daughter so that she could use it with her doll house).
If you would like to read the Water Princess before you create the well, click the image for an Amazon link.

Let’s make a well…
Click Here to Get your Free Printable
Print your printable on cardstock. The printable comes in a French, English, and plain version.

Step 1
After printing on cardstock, cut out each of the pieces of the well.

Step 2
Tape or glue the stone well into a circle.

Step 3
Fold tabs up around water circle.

Step 4
Tape or glue the water circle to the inside bottom of the well.

Step 5
Fold posts in half.

Step 6
Fold roof in half on solid line. Cut slits on dotted lines.

Step 7
insert posts into slits in the roof. Then gently bend tops of posts to secure them to the roof.

Step 8
Tape or glue the posts to the side of the well.

Step 9
Place coins in your well. After saving coins, donate to people in need.
You could use your well to collect money for the Georgie Badiel Foundation listed at the end of the book: https://www.georgiebadielfoundation.org/ (Sparkles and Sprinkles is not affilliated with this foundation, but you can learn more by clicking on the link. For French speakers, there is a neat video of a women speaking in French about the impact having a well in her community has had on her life.)
You could also use your well to collect money for other organizations that help those in need, near your home or around the world.
“…but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14
« …l’eau que je lui donnerai deviendra en lui une source d’eau jaillissant, jusqu’à la vie éternelle. » Jean 4:14
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