Creamy Strawberry Energy Smoothie
We are writing this in February, when it might be too cold where you live to enjoy a smoothie, but we find we sometimes like to have smoothies even on cold days. They are super fast to make for a healthy breakfast, and they can be a great snack to give you the energy you need to make it through a busy afternoon.
Our cream strawberry energy smoothie is packed with vitamins and protein... and it's pink... so enjoy on Valentine's Day or any day of the year. We give guidelines for measurements in the recipe, but once you have made this a few times, you don't really need to measure, you can just add approximate quantities of ingredients to your liking. We often make our smoothies quite thick (not much almond milk) and eat them like ice cream in a bowl, but you could add more almond milk to be able to drink them from a cup or sip with a straw.
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some fun strawberry-themed activities too!
Let's make a smoothie!

Gather your ingredients:
- Frozen strawberries
- Almond milk
- Natural peanut butter
- Plain Greek yogurt
- Chia seeds
- Protein powder
Gather your kitchen supplies:
- Blender or food processor
- 1/2 cup measurer
- 1 Tbsp
- Large spoon
- Cups or bowls to serve
- Spoons or straws

Time to measure and blend!

Step 1
Pour 4 cups of frozen strawberries into the blender.

Step 2
Measure 1/2 cup of peanut butter.

Step 3
Use a spoon to help to pour the peanut butter into the blender.

Step 4
Measure 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt

Step 5
Spoon the Greek yogurt into the blender.

Step 6
Pour in the almond milk. Fill to the 1 cup line for a smoothie you can eat with a spoon, or up to the 1.5 or 2 cup line for a smoothie you can sip with a straw.

Step 7
Put the cover on tightly!

Step 8
Press "pulse" or "blend" on your blender. Turn off the blender when well blended.

Step 9
Pour the smoothie into cups or bowls. This recipe makes about 4 servings.

Add a Tablespoon or 2 of chia seeds per cup and stir. If everyone likes chia seeds, you could also add them to the smoothie before blending it.

Add a half a scoop of protein powder per cup and stir. If everyone likes protein powder, you could also add it to the smoothie before blending it.

Step 10

Click on the image to download our elementary strawberry math fun pages.
Be sure to print it in the "landscape" orientation.

Click on the image to download our homemade strawberry smoothie coloring page.
Our 10 year old loves to make coloring pages for her siblings, and now she makes them to share with you too! Thank you for coming to sparklesandsprinkles.blog today!