Stations of the Cross blocks
Stations of the Cross for Children
The pandemic has little silver linings sometimes (I hope someday someone will be reading this, and the pandemic will be a distant memory!). As the church of some dear friends of ours is not having soup suppers this Lent, they decided to invite small groups of friends over on Fridays during Lent to share soup together and to pray the Stations of the Cross at their home.
Our friends had printed out stations of the cross coloring pages for the children to color as the adults took turns saying the prayers for the Stations of the Cross. After the prayer time, we enjoyed soup together, and then the children played while the adults had time to stay around the table and visit.
This beautiful evening made me think that perhaps it might be nice to have some Stations of the Cross that children could place around the house and play and pray with whenever they wanted to.

Make your own Stations of the Cross for children
Please note that the coloring images we used for these blocks are not our own. You can find them at Real Life at Home (where there is even a prayer reflection booklet to go along with them). You could also get images from another source or draw your own, if you are feeling especially creative!

Step 1: Print and color your images
We used colored pencils to color our images.

Step 2: Cut out your images

Step 3: Cut your blocks
We cut a long 2×4 board into 14 square blocks. However, if you don’t have time for woodworking, there are many Etsy sellers who have blocks of various sizes that are sanded and ready to use for crafts. If you wanted to make the blocks smaller or bigger, you could print out the page with a “custom scale,” or use different images of your choice. The Real Life at Home mini booklet images work perfectly with our squares cut from 2x4s (the wooden squares end up being 3.5″x3.5″).

Step 4: Sand your blocks
We sanded the cut edges, plus sanded at an angle at the corners to make the blocks easier to handle for little hands. Though cutting the blocks is probably a task for an adult (here at Sparkles and Sprinkles, we say, “Thank you Super-Dad!”), sanding can be a fun activity for children.

Step 5: Use Mod Podge to attach and coat images
Use a foam brush to spread a layer of Mod Podge on one face of the block, then lay the image on this face. Brush Mod Podge over the image to seal the image, so that the blocks and images will hold up to children handling them. Be sure to follow the package instructions for drying times. You may want to use 2 coats.

Ready to Play and Pray
We hope you and your little ones enjoy making and playing and praying with Stations of the Cross blocks too!
Are you looking for a soup recipe for your next soup supper, whether at home or at church? You might enjoy trying our recipe for French Vegetable Soup.
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