DIY Fidget Toys! (with YouTube tutorials)
Watch these quick YouTube videos to learn how to make a spinner top from a fruit cup, a paper spring, and a balloon stress ball.
Enjoy some fruit from a fruit cup, wash the cup, and turn it into a spinning top in seconds! Watch the video to find out how.
Feeling more creative? Color the inside of the fruit cup with permanent markers or paint a fun design with acrylic paint. Have fun!
Simply cut two strips of paper, and watch the video to find out how to turn them into a fun paper spring. You’ll also need a glue stick.
Want to add some variety? Draw designs on the paper before making it into a spring! So pretty!
Make your own stress ball in seconds! Just grab a balloon, and some slime (or kinetic sand, playdough, or Model Magic), and watch this video to find out how. You’ll also need a small water bottle with the bottom cut off, or a funnel.
Time to de-stress…
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