Saint Patrick’s Day Holy Trinity Craft
Children of all ages can enjoy making this shamrock Holy Trinity craft, reminding us of how Saint Patrick explained the Holy Trinity to the Irish people.

1. Gather your supplies: free printable Holy Trinity pages, white cardstock or printer paper (3 sheets: 2 for printing, and 1 as a background), markers or colored pencils, scissors, glue

2. Color the printable pages. (There is an option for printing the shamrock hearts and stem in green, but we found our children enjoyed coloring the hearts and stem too.)

3. Cut out the heart leaves, stem, images of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and titles.

4. Glue the shamrock heart leaves and stem onto your paper (or cardstock), then glue on the Holy Trinity images and titles.
Are you looking for more Saint Patrick’s Day ideas?
Check out our Saint Patrick’s Prayer garland by clicking here.
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!