Sweet Sewing-themed Picture Books
Looking for a sweet picture book to share with your little seamstress? We’ve gathered up a few favorites for you from brand-new to classic. Enjoy!

I had a Favorite Dress by Boni Ashburn
I had a Favorite Dress follows the story of a little girl who outgrows her favorite dress. Her mom is always ready to transform the dress into something new with her creativity and sewing skills. This book is full of rhythm and rhyme and has adorable illustations. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to upcycle something in your closet after reading this book.

Sew Sister by Elise Matich
Did you know that space shuttles are covered in panels of special fireproof fabric? Sew Sister tells the story of Jean Wright and the NASA seamstresses who sewed blankets to cover space shuttles. We love how this story speaks to the unique and perhaps surprising ways that we may be called to use our God-given talents and interests. Sew Sister is told in rhyme with beautiful illustrations.

The Wordless Weaver by Claudia Cangilla McAdam
This touching book is an especially good read during the Lenten season. The Wordless Weaver imagines the story of a little girl who might have woven the burial cloth for Jesus. The tone is quite serious and sad… but a miracle comes at the end! My children love this story and ask to read it any time of year.

Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy by Don Freeman
As a girl who loved sewing from a very young age, these were some of my favorite books as a child. The Corduroy books tell the story of Lisa and her stuffed bear, Corduroy. Lisa is happy to use her sewing skills to repair Corduroy’s overalls and sew a pocket for him. Perhaps your child might be inspired to mend a toy too after reading these books.

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